How to Protect Yourself from AI – Voice Deepfakes

In an era where our digital footprints are as permanent as ink, the importance of safeguarding one’s privacy cannot be overstated. As the digital landscape evolves, so do the methods employed by those seeking to exploit it. A particularly alarming development in this digital arms race is the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) driven voice deepfakes. These technologies, while impressive, pose significant risks, making it imperative for individuals to remain vigilant and proactive in protecting their personal information. Below, we explore strategies to mitigate these risks, ensuring your voice and identity stay secure.

Skip or Trim Voicemail Greetings

Although voicemail greetings are a great way to add a personal touch to your mailbox, they can also pose significant privacy risks. Due to advancements in AI, a scammer needs only 15 seconds of audio to clone someone’s voice.

Assuming you give your name, an explanation for why you missed the call (“I can’t make it to the phone right now”), an estimated time of when you will call them back, and a call to action (“please leave a message after the tone”) you have well surpassed 15 seconds, allowing a potential scam caller to record your voice for later use.

Now, if you need a voicemail greeting, opt for something short and sweet; if you can do without one, that’s your safest bet.

Think Before You Pickup

In dealing with calls from unrecognized numbers, prudence is paramount. It is often safer to let such calls divert to voicemail rather than risking engagement with potential fraudsters. Contemporary scam tactics may not overtly solicit money or personal information but could instead record your conversation to use your voice nefariously. Extra caution is warranted with unexpected calls from known entities; always verify their legitimacy through direct and trusted communication channels.

If you pick up a call and something seems “off,” trust your intuition and hang up. Follow up by emailing the person or company to verify and set up an appropriate time to communicate or call the person (or company) back with the number you have on your contacts list.

Implement Codewords

Introducing codewords between yourself and trusted individuals, including financial consultants, can significantly enhance security protocols, facilitating the verification of identities during sensitive exchanges. Opt for codewords that are random and non-personal—commonly available personal details can be easily discovered through online searches and social media.

Limit Social Media Exposure

Privacy settings on social media platforms are crucial in controlling access to your personal information. Maintaining private profiles and meticulously curating friend requests can drastically reduce the likelihood of your data being accessible to data harvesters. Periodic audits of your online presence can help adjust your privacy strategies effectively.

Strengthen Cyber and Phone Security

It is prudent to invest in advanced security measures for your electronic devices. These security measures should help guard against common threats like malware, phishing attempts, and voice-recording scams; thus, securing your personal information from a broad spectrum of digital risks.

Prioritize In-Person Communications for Sensitive Information

When dealing with significant financial decisions or sensitive information, such as establishing a new trust, prioritize direct, in-person interactions over digital communications. Such measures ensure that crucial information is exchanged within the secure confines of a controlled environment.


Despite the myriad benefits of AI, its potential for misuse in crafting convincing deepfakes requires a careful and informed approach. At Moran Wealth Management®, digital privacy is a cornerstone of our client commitment. Our robust security measures are meticulously designed to protect your personal information against the dynamic threats posed by the digital age. By remaining informed and adopting cautious practices, we strive to navigate these challenges, ensuring that our digital and physical realms are equally protected.